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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gaia-Tree Earth T-shirt


Gaia - Mother Earth (for International Baccalaureate Schools)

The front of the T-shirt has the Hindu Goddess, Gayatri, in the centre of the Earth (Alternatively, the T-shirt design comes with the Chinese Character for "Chi" or Life can replace the Goddess image).

"Gayatri" is the highest mantra for enlightenment and draws on the powers of the Sun (Savitur) to enliven and protect us. In India, this mantra is used to propiate the mother goddess much akin to Gaia of Greek mythology.

In Greek mythology, Gaia marries Ouranus to child Chronus (Time) who gives birth to Zeus, the King of the heavens, akin to Indra in Hindu mythology or the planet Jupiter in both western and eastern astrological systems.

Therefore, the T-shirt uses imagery to synthesize these cultures. The Earth is enveloped in the rays of the Sun with the sanskrit words of the Gayatri mantra running around its perimeter (too small to see in this image). This, in turn, comes down to become the trunk of a tree with the branches forming the 4 arms of the dancing Hindu goddess or Nataraj (Siva in His cosmic dance). The roots or feet reach down below and the words Gaia-tree if Life are embroidered around the base. Around the "tree" from bottom to top of the T-shirt are lakes, clouds, planets, stars etc.. to give the T-shirt a cosmic "feel". At the top, above the "tree of life" image are the words "Mother Earth".

The back of the T-shirt has the company trademark logo as well as the words,"Think Local, Act Global, Feel Cosmic, Serve Organic EARTH", above it

Cost $US 30/-