DESIGNS STILL IN DESIGN PROCESS (total of 108 not including simple sacred symbols)
Design 28 - Passion, Fashion, Compassion T-shirt (the rat, cat, bat collection!)
FRONT - 3 chakras represented from 2nd (passion chakra - navel level of T-shirt with associated images such as lips, red rose etc.. up to 3rd (fashion chakra - solar plexus level of T-shirt with images of diamonds, sun, sun flower etc.. up to 4th heart chakra (compassion chakra - images of little hearts, lotus etc..)
Design 27 - The Go Green Shirt (from other's collection)
Uses symbols such as Earth (Love makes the world go round), Re-cycle symbol, CND symbol, dove, words (Love, Peace, Truth etc... in Chinese and other languages)
Design 26 - The B1 T-shirt (Barath India)
Puzzle design of the county India, which is traditionally called Barath. In the middle is the emblem of the wheel (India's national symbol) By forming the letter "O" this horizontally has the words sOul and vertically the letters pOwer. On either side of the country's geographical image are the words "Transform Barath" (right side of T-shirt) and "Transform the World" (left side). Below the southern tip of the image of India/Barath are the word "B1" and below this is the slogan "Act Local Think Global, Feel Cosmic Serve Organic. Below this are the world enlarged "EARTH" and again below this is the phonetic "B d CHNAGE u (love symbol) n d World (image of Earth)ie. quote from Ghandhi
MORE DESIGNS PLANNED FOR MANUFACTURE (note: all T-shirts have the Jiva Logo design ("U got it" in the "eye" at the back neck of T-shirts)
Design 25 - DHARMA T-shirt
Dharma In-domitable
Power within - Do the Right Thing
Design 24 - POSSIBILITIES T-shirt
FRONT - Impossible
BACK - I'm Possible
Design 23 - AVATARA T-shirt
words "AVATARA"
Sarva dharma symbol with 5 petals around it. Instead of the 5 religions and values of Sri Sathya Sai Bab are the 5 associated symbols. ie. top petal has the shining "Sun" symbol (of Truth), the other 4 petals are; a "heart" symbol for Love; a "dove" symbol for Peace; a "CND" symbol for Non-violence; and a "hand symbol with Dharma wheel in middle". Thus, the 5 symbols of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Sad guru Kali Yuga Avatara, are represented indirectly. It seems an appropriate T-shirt for the times with the block buster "AVATAR" 3D movie hitting the big screen. This T-shirt highlights the true meaning of the word; an advent of Divinity in form to raise mankind to spiritual heights and restore harmony on the earth again.
Design 22 - The CHANGE T-shirt
Written in print are the words PEOPLE (horizontally) and POWER (vertically intersecting the word people at the letter O) and using the equation sign "=" AmERIcA 2(squared) with below this equation the words "THE INTERNATIONAL QUOTIENT"
A large triangle symbol for change with the apex forming the "A" and the letters CH and NGE on either side. Within the triangle are the words "Green (first line) Energy (second line) "4" (for) Clean Economy (bottom line).
Possibly, the words of Ghandhi in phonetic form below "B d CHANGE u (love symbol) 2 C N D world (symbol)
Designs 21 - The Om connection the Orange Collection
T-shirts designed with variations of OM as well as T-shirts, clothes, accessories all in saffron ochre orange (variations too)
Design 20 - Jiva Trust T-shirt
Design of of the word "Trust" on right chest with "T" forming stem leading up to Lotus with sun and rays arising out of it.
Serving Mankind
Image of Earth with H20 in middle ("H" forming shelter & "O" forming spiraling sun)
Earth held in hands with wrists tapering down to become medical cadeucus with wings on side and lotus at base.
Above and cupping the Earth image, are printed the words Jiva Lotus Trust
At the base of the T-shirt are the words "May all the Beings in all the worlds be happy"
Design 19 - Jiva - U got it!
FRONT - Jiva - U got it! within eye trademark logo
Below - Believe, Receive, Achieve
BACK - De La Soul - Just Live it!
Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema, Ahimsa
Design 18 - Question T-shirt
Who? What? Why? How? When? Question them!
Design 17 - Cosmic Man with chakras T-shirt
Leonardo da Vinci's Man with the 7 chakras in them
Design 16 - Plantonic Solids T-shirt
5 Platonic solids with pentagram connecting them and relating equivalent 5 elements and 5 values (eg. platonic solid related to water and Prema etc...)
Jiva to the Metaphysical 5 to feel Alive! with Jiva5Lotus TM with 5 values connecting 5 elements
Design 15 - "The Mystic Mind or Metaphysical Head" T-shirt
FRONT only
Design is a frontal oblique plan view of a head. (And is similar in conceptualization to the work of visionary artist Terrance Gray)
It fuses the 5 elements in Chinese Character to the 5 areas of the face.
Earth, designed in Chinese character, metaphysically relates to the nose which is seen at the bottom front of the T-shirt design.
Water, in Chinese character is seen at the sides of the lips and relates to the mouth
In the design, the chin tappers down to a curved serpent, with, at the level of the heart but on the right side, the words "atma" with the "a" having a solar dot in its centre and rays of the sun around it.
However, above the nose at its root, is the Chinese character for fire between 2 superior views of the eyes; their metaphysical correspondence. It reaches up to the third eye with "curly" wires of hair on either side.
The third eye reaches up to the word 4 in the crown of the head with either side, the words Trans-4-Mind (transform mind or trance for Mind!)The apex of the 4 reaches up to become part of the 5 hoods of the snake that cup visually "work" to cup and complete the image of a plan view of the head.
From 4 angles from the "4" in the centre of the head are lines drawn out to circles outside the head, each containing the Sanskrit words for the 4 components that make up the mind (ie. Antahkarana - Chitta, Ahamkara, Manas, Buddhi which translate as consciousness/memory, ego/identity, perception and intellect. Note: the 2 descending lines contain the hair and face mentioned above.
Above the head, is the Chinese character for air, which rules hair and skin, according to Vedic metaphysics. On either side is the Chinese character for void/space or ether.
Finally, above this or optionally on the back of the T-shirt are the words, "Everything is Nothing & Nothing is Everything"
Note: Interestingly, the pentagram ratio and symmetry has been related to what we instinctively find beautiful (harmony)
Design 14 - "Smiling Earth" T-shirt
FRONT only
Image of the Earth in green and blue with yellow "smiley face" face super-imposed with 2 yellow/black eyes and yellow smile.
Curved above the smiling Earth words "Samasta Loka Sukino Bhavantu"
Curved below the smiling Earth are the word in English translation, "May all the Beings in all the worlds Be Happy"
Design 13 - Monkeys in Frames (for the new band "Monkey in Frames")
FRONT of T-shirt (top to bottom on front of T-shirt)
Image of 3 monkeys in frames
(3 adjoining boxes in one row with 3 monkeys in them ie. see no evil image in box, speak no evil in next box, hear no evil in next box - 3 boxes in frame made of small chains and the two outer boxes slightly bent to give a 3D effect of looking at a mirror)
3 - 1 = 1
Mind - Frames = Divine
The Para-box of the Mirror Mind!
Think out of it
Sing out of it
Be out of it!
The body's a water bubble, the mind's a mad monkey
Feel Divine, be Divine ...don't stay in the Mind
BACK of T-shirt
Mystic music to free Karmic Chains
Reflection, reaction, re-sound-ing
the Mind with MONKEYS in FRAMES
Design 12 - "Supreme" T-shirt
FRONT only
The general design is of the front, under view of an Eagle with tail and wings.
At the top of the design, instead of an Eagle's head, is a halo with horns at its upper sides.
Between the horns (ie. sitting above the halo) is a lotus with the central petal leading upto a third eye/flame.
Above the halo/horn/lotus/3rd eye flame (ie. the substituted head of the Eagle) is the word "SUPREME"
In the body of the Eagle (centred across wing span" is the word "Beyond"
Below and to the side of the "tail of the Eagle" are the words "GOOD & BAD". (ie. GOOD to the left of the tail, "&" below the tail, and BAD to the right of the tail)
The whole design represents transcendence of consciousness, mind and judgement
Design 11 - OM T-shirt
Image of "OM" within the blue and red London underground sign (ie. rectangle with circle behind)
The symbol of OM as seen on the company logo. ie. The "M" and "H" turned on their side to form it. Below, in small print are the words "Metaphysical House".
Design 10 - Sacred Fusion T-shirt
FRONT only
A geometric pattern involving the "flower of life" super-imposed on the Sri Yantra Chakra/Star of David forming 7 inter-sections from centre to periphery.
In the vertical positions of these ascending inter-sections are 7 cirlces with the "yantric" Indian geometric symbols of the 7 chakras (ie. from 1st up to 7th).
Optionally, can be designed with the 7 D's and planetary symbols ruling the 7 chakras (ie. 1st chakra of Duty - Saturn up to 7th chakra of Divinity - Sun)
At 4 other inter-sections in a cube formation are the Chinese characters for Truth. Love, Peace and Dharma.
Also, around the periphery in the outer loops of the flower of life are the various world religions symbols in each of the 6 outer loops (ie. i. OM, ii. Cross, iii. Buddhist Wheel, iv. Zorastian flame, v. Star of David and vi. Crescent Moon/pentagram).
Design 9 - Dalai Lama T-shirt
"Free Tibet" with original countries flag
The design on the back of the T-shirt has the Vedic (jyotish) astrological chart of Dalai Lama with 9 planets in the traditional south Indian "box" style chart. (made up of 12 smaller boxes in a square shape with empty square centre)
For teh boxes that do not contain the planetary symbol of His natal positions, Roman numerals are used for the remaining empty houses from the Ascendant (1st house in Astrology) For example, for the Dalai Lama, the symbol of Mercury is in Gemini in His Ascendant which becomes His first house. Therefore there is no number here but the next house has the no planets but the Roman numeral II (2) printed within. The same continues for the remaining signs/houses - symbol or Roman numeral.
Within the centre of the "box" chart is the printed face of Dalai Lama.
Around the periphery of the astrological "box" chart is a circle of the 27 Nakshatras/stars symbols that make up our milky way. 27/28 stars are used in both Indian and Chinese astrology, but Vedic Astrology has divided the 360 degrees of space by 27 to make 13 and a thirds sections ruled by different cosmic forces and mythylogically by different Gods and energies of the Universe. They use the 27 symbols on the T-shirt to symbolize these.
Many of these Gods and mythologies find correspondence to other cultures eg. Indra which ruled the Nakshatra/star Jyestha, Zeus & Thor - the rulers of the thunderbolt.
On the T-shirt, these run as a clockwise circle reflecting and mirroring the positions of the signs in the astrological box.
Instead, if another Master or any great personage is desired, there face and symbol can be adjusted to the astrological T-shirts.
For example, Ramana Maharishi could have Arunachala or Sri Yantra centred in the Box on the back with His quotation "Be As You Are" on the front.
Thus, a series of Jyotish T-shirts can be designed for anyone. eg. Musicians, or your own personalised T-shirt.
Design 8 - T-shirt
FRONT of T-shirt
Superman symbol diamond with symbol of OM within. Below are the words "" with a web forming around the diamond of the super OM symbol. Note translates/transliterates as super atma - the Atma of OM is the divine ether of sound to find the source of super power within!
BACK of T-shirt
Words printed are: "Zero into the Hero through the Inner-net!"
Design 7 - One Life T-shirt (for Obama Administration)
FRONT of T-shirt
"Jiva" with "U got it!" below (within an "eye" logo) on right chest
In middle of T-shirt a large ellipsoid oval shape with strip around perimeter ( of life)
Within perimeter, there are the different languages for the word "life" in a clockwise direction (Latin, Sanskrit,Mandarin, Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish etc...)
Within circle is the 5 face black and white collage of Obama's idols: Abraham Licolm in middle, Martin Luther King on the left, Mahatma Ghandhi right, Sitting Bull above/on top and Dalai Lama below (ie. spiritual politicians who practiced "unity in diversity")
Words of "ba" and "ma" in small print on either side of bottom of "O" circle .. ie. appearing as ba-O-ma
BACK of T-shirt
"De La Soul - Just Live it"
ONE ("O" is image of Earth within)
Colors of T-shirt = Blue with Red ring and gold writing in perimeter strip with black and white centre
OR = Red with Blue ring with gold writing
ie... more variations but use of American flag and superman colors ... blue (republicans) red (democrats) white (flag) and gold (superman color at ring)
Design 6
7 Chakras of Yoga
The T-shirt has the symbols of the 7 Chakras of Yoga placed on the front of the T-shirt.
The 7th becomes the Lotus image (at the chest level) with the OM symbol in the centre of it.
Out of the Lotus arises the shape of the heart, within which is the word PEACE or, alternatively, the Chinese character for LOVE (ie.character for Chinese word "AI").
In the pixel image, the words read compassion but this may be more appropriate for someone younger.
The word 7 Chakras is placed at the lower right border on the front of the T-shirt. Not printed on this shirt is the company logo which is always placed on the opposite lower left border of the T-shirt
Note: that the design can be made with the chakras only (ie. without the lotus) or with the lotus only (on request).