The below explanation on the "Isaight" design is a bit exhaustive but, hopefully, some might find it interesting in its abstract and yogic symbolism.
"Isaight" is a word that fuses Isa (Christ) and Sai (Divine Mother/Nature in Sanskrit) with the phonetic sound "I-Sight" (Self-knowledge or vision of the Self; correlating the sense of "I" or Being to the sense of sight and the "eyes")
The Design has 3 layers or components;
i) the centre design of several religious symbols incorporated into a metaphysical representation of the 7 chakras.
These are formed by the intertwining 2 serpents at 6 points leading to the blossoming lotus at the top. The Eagle wings on either side at the level of the 4th chakra incorporates the image of the medical caduceus as well as the Native American and Eygptian cultures. In yogic physiology the 2 serpents represent 2 of the main (solar and Lunar) subtle nadi/meridian psychic channels that run up the spine. This is symbolised by the staff in the medical caduceus and, in yogic physiology, by the psychic nerve (the Sushumna current, up which the individual life force ascends to connect with the Universal life force (called Chi, Ki, Prana in Eastern cultures). In Yoga this is called a "kundalini" awakening when the life breath is purified and the mind expanded and the life force ready to ascend to the fontanelle (Brahmarandha) to unfold the mind's full potential to become one with Universal Intelligence.
Serpents are also used similarly in Eastern and western cultures to represent wisdom but a dangerous force to master.
Above the black oval "egg", the "afro" hair in the background with the 5 serpent heads (5 elements and 5 values) represent the branches and canopy of a tree, with the egg super-imposed on/as the "trunk", and the tail of the serpents forming the roots. The whole image indirectly portrays the "tree of life".
The overall impression of the inner design can also represent that of the body reflected in an oval "mirror" as well as a "key-lock". ie. that there is a mystery and potential in the body to be unlocked and awakened.
The image of the Magenta-pink Heart, creating the 2 outer rings of the "key-lock" by both curving outwardly from the inter-section at the 6th chakra and tappering down to the 4th, suggests that the secret of Divine Love (Devotion or "Bhakti")is what helps infuse the power to the yogic process of knowing thyself through finding the source of Love and Truth within. In Buddhism, this is expressed through the mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum", which means to bring the mind ("mani"-truth) into the lotus of the heart ("padme"-love). I-saight, therefore, also means bring the sight (mind's eye) within to find out "who am I"? (Heart as Consciousness)
Several more religious symbols mystically integrated into the design;
Lotus at the 7th TOP CHAKRA with the Hindu OM and Islamic Crescent Moon and 5 pointed star (pointing to the cosmic and beyond ie. formless. The word Isaight has the Zorastrian flame emerging from the "I" (the chasm of fire that purifies the mind of ignorance).
The crown of thorns around the Lotus represent the Christian concept of suffering and purification of the mind and heart for understanding God or Consciousness; ie. the progressive declaration on the path:- "I am the messenger of God" (dualism), "I am the son of God" (qualified non-dualism), "I and my Father are One" (non-dualism).
Another Christian reference of mystical import is "I am" the Way, the Truth & the Light". Here, "I am" is represented as the very heart of Consciousness ie. God is within you as "the pure "I" of Beingness, leading to the highest statement "I am That I am or, My Father and I are One; where That = Father, as the unfathonable sourceless source of all things. Interestingly, Islam makes the same progressive correlation; "I am in the light" to "the Light is in Me" to "I am the Light". Here, the light of Consciousness is the radiance of the "Self", synonymous with the "I am" or Being-ness (Jiva) of Christians and Hindus.
Or as one Indian Master puts it:
"God is, I am That I am, Love all Serve All".
"Unity in Diversity".
I + I = We, which leads to, We + We = One". And the One with the One goes Beyond!
The Trishul of Siva (Hinduism) at the 6th CHAKRA symbolises the "3rd" inner eye of wisdom, intuition and light from the Self/Consciousness. ie. the higher mind that can receive universal knowledge spontaneously when it has matured, ripened and opened. The "eye" in the design is made of light. This corresponds to the Bible: Matthew 6:22, 23; "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light". Interestingly, vedic astrology is called "Jyotish" in Sanskrit and is a meta-science that combines logic and symbolism to integrate left and right brains respectively, and help open the inner eye of light. Please see for more. Note: the Eygptians also have the "eye of Horus" to represent this "all see-ing inner third eye".
The Star of David (Judaism) is formed from the 5th CHAKRA to the 2nd chakra and centred in the heart, the hexagon the symbol of Venus and of love balancing the upper 3 chakras (descending female triangle) with the lower 3 chakras (ascending male triangle. In yogic physiology, this chakra (ie. a chakra is made up of the related and corresponding nadis, glands, organs, arteries and nerve plexuses; in this case the cardiac plexus and thymus gland) lies in front of, but to the left of, the "hrit" centre of Consciousness (which has the 8 primary nadis originating from). Interestingly, the planet Venus, in an 8 year cycle path around the earth, forms a pattern called the "Venus Rose Mandala" which appears like a flower with 8 petals (nadis that form chakras by the electro-magnetic circulation of blood are called "petals" at the point they join the confluence of a "chakra"; a seen by clairvoyants or rishis and described in yogic physiology). Note, also, that in New Age circles, ie. Ascended Masters & Theosophical Society, Venus is considered the sister planet to the Earth and the origins of the Solar Logi, Sanat Kumara, for our 2nd Ray Solar System and, according to them, apparently related to the seeding of humanity.
The 4th CHAKRA has the image of the "Eye" and has many religions fused in it - the yin/yang of Taoism, the Buddhist wheel of Dharma, the Christian Cross, the Aquarian symbols of water on either side (for the dawning of the 7th Ray Aquarian Golden Age). The Eye of the Heart is the real Sight. ie. seeing everything as One through knowledge of the One Self.
The heart's "Eye" is upheld by the Japanese symbol of its Shinto nature religion at the 2nd & 3rd CHAKRA. (that Nature is God in manifestation through it's appearance in the intelligence of Consciousness as the 3D Matrix of Divine natural order or law and through which the untraceable cosmic computer balances energy and action through what the eastern religions call "karma"). The Shinto forms the legs of "occult" man in the overall design or, alternatively, the 2 arms of the lock and key symbolism, as explained in the earlier description of the design's meaning.
The Base 1st CHAKRA has a mask (the false ego of the personality) but is also a reversed question mark, forming the head and trunk of Ganesh (who rules gravity, the Universal Om and base chakra according to Hindu metaphysics). He is the cute, elephant God to whom Hindu's pray first to remove, obstacles, grant knowledge, discrimination and success in all ventures. Yogic physiologically, He is the lord of the first chakra and foundation of duty, discipline and discrimination for good karma.
The Gayarti mantra, printed in the reversed question mark forming Ganesh's trunk, is a prayer for the subtle intelligence to be awakened for unfavelling the mystery of the phenomena's world, mind and body to discover the Truth and Reality beyond knowing.
Within His trunk, and below the gayatri mantra, is the philosophers stone with the underworld anubis of the Eygptians, the scales of balance and justice, and the mysterious sphinx incorporating the 4 animals of the bible and astrology (connection explained below). The justice scales, is also the symbol of the astrological sign, Libra, and represents the harmony between male and female duality, solar and lunar currents and the dualities and polarities in the mind of the Universe for equilibrium of mind and a "samadhi" state of balance to be achieved in life (ie. of spirit and matter - "in the world but not of it").
This is also illustrated higher up in the design by the sun (right) and Moon (left) symbols forming a male and female face in the opposing chambers (rings) of the "heart", which along with the decending inter-locking serpents, gives the subtle impression of a loving couple in a tantric embrace! More obviously, the heart has a larger left and right closed (meditating) eye in the opposing chambers, making the heart appear as the face connecting the to body at the level of the "Eye" before becoming the legs of the Shinto.
ii) the Oval shaped border with the coiled serpent base and the 5 hooded heads above the black oval perimeter. The Oval, ellipsoid shape represents the "Lingam" stone of Hinduism which, to them, is the closest mathematical shape to represent the formless. Islam similarly, has a black stone in Mecca around which devotee worship the highest formless aspect of the "Father God".
iii) the Outer framed border made of peacock feathers with the four "living creatures" related to the four canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). These are the creatures that surround God's throne, as described in bible Rev 4:7. These are also the 4 animals that make up the sphinx of the Egypt as well as the 4 astrological animals of the fixed zodiacal cross.
Matthew = Human/Angel = face of Sphinx = Aquarius man with water urn (left top)
Mark = Lion = claws of Sphinx = Lion (right bottom)
Luke = Ox/Bull = body of sphinx = Taurus (left bottom)
John = Eagle = wings of sphinx = Scorpio (whose in its higher aspect is represented by the Eagle - right top)
The Peacock is an animal of beauty and perfection to Hindus and, esoterically, is the perfection of Yoga and man with the full unfolding of his consciousness and thousand petaled lotus at the crown of his head; much like the many eyes of a peacocks plume. Hence, it adorning the periphery of the image.
The below explanation on the "Isaight" design is a bit exhaustive but, hopefully, some might find it interesting in its abstract and yogic symbolism.
"Isaight" is a word that fuses Isa (Christ) and Sai (Divine Mother/Nature in Sanskrit) with the phonetic sound "I-Sight" (Self-knowledge or vision of the Self; correlating the sense of "I" or Being to the sense of sight and the "eyes")
The Design has 3 layers or components;
i) the centre design of several religious symbols incorporated into a metaphysical representation of the 7 chakras.
These are formed by the intertwining 2 serpents at 6 points leading to the blossoming lotus at the top. The Eagle wings on either side at the level of the 4th chakra incorporates the image of the medical caduceus as well as the Native American and Eygptian cultures. In yogic physiology the 2 serpents represent 2 of the main (solar and Lunar) subtle nadi/meridian psychic channels that run up the spine. This is symbolised by the staff in the medical caduceus and, in yogic physiology, by the psychic nerve (the Sushumna current, up which the individual life force ascends to connect with the Universal life force (called Chi, Ki, Prana in Eastern cultures). In Yoga this is called a "kundalini" awakening when the life breath is purified and the mind expanded and the life force ready to ascend to the fontanelle (Brahmarandha) to unfold the mind's full potential to become one with Universal Intelligence.
Serpents are also used similarly in Eastern and western cultures to represent wisdom but a dangerous force to master.
Above the black oval "egg", the "afro" hair in the background with the 5 serpent heads (5 elements and 5 values) represent the branches and canopy of a tree, with the egg super-imposed on/as the "trunk", and the tail of the serpents forming the roots. The whole image indirectly portrays the "tree of life".
The overall impression of the inner design can also represent that of the body reflected in an oval "mirror" as well as a "key-lock". ie. that there is a mystery and potential in the body to be unlocked and awakened.
The image of the Magenta-pink Heart, creating the 2 outer rings of the "key-lock" by both curving outwardly from the inter-section at the 6th chakra and tappering down to the 4th, suggests that the secret of Divine Love (Devotion or "Bhakti")is what helps infuse the power to the yogic process of knowing thyself through finding the source of Love and Truth within. In Buddhism, this is expressed through the mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum", which means to bring the mind ("mani"-truth) into the lotus of the heart ("padme"-love). I-saight, therefore, also means bring the sight (mind's eye) within to find out "who am I"? (Heart as Consciousness)
Several more religious symbols mystically integrated into the design;
Lotus at the 7th TOP CHAKRA with the Hindu OM and Islamic Crescent Moon and 5 pointed star (pointing to the cosmic and beyond ie. formless. The word Isaight has the Zorastrian flame emerging from the "I" (the chasm of fire that purifies the mind of ignorance).
The crown of thorns around the Lotus represent the Christian concept of suffering and purification of the mind and heart for understanding God or Consciousness; ie. the progressive declaration on the path:- "I am the messenger of God" (dualism), "I am the son of God" (qualified non-dualism), "I and my Father are One" (non-dualism).
Another Christian reference of mystical import is "I am" the Way, the Truth & the Light". Here, "I am" is represented as the very heart of Consciousness ie. God is within you as "the pure "I" of Beingness, leading to the highest statement "I am That I am or, My Father and I are One; where That = Father, as the unfathonable sourceless source of all things. Interestingly, Islam makes the same progressive correlation; "I am in the light" to "the Light is in Me" to "I am the Light". Here, the light of Consciousness is the radiance of the "Self", synonymous with the "I am" or Being-ness (Jiva) of Christians and Hindus.
Or as one Indian Master puts it:
"God is, I am That I am, Love all Serve All".
"Unity in Diversity".
I + I = We, which leads to, We + We = One". And the One with the One goes Beyond!
The Trishul of Siva (Hinduism) at the 6th CHAKRA symbolises the "3rd" inner eye of wisdom, intuition and light from the Self/Consciousness. ie. the higher mind that can receive universal knowledge spontaneously when it has matured, ripened and opened. The "eye" in the design is made of light. This corresponds to the Bible: Matthew 6:22, 23; "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light". Interestingly, vedic astrology is called "Jyotish" in Sanskrit and is a meta-science that combines logic and symbolism to integrate left and right brains respectively, and help open the inner eye of light. Please see for more. Note: the Eygptians also have the "eye of Horus" to represent this "all see-ing inner third eye".
The Star of David (Judaism) is formed from the 5th CHAKRA to the 2nd chakra and centred in the heart, the hexagon the symbol of Venus and of love balancing the upper 3 chakras (descending female triangle) with the lower 3 chakras (ascending male triangle. In yogic physiology, this chakra (ie. a chakra is made up of the related and corresponding nadis, glands, organs, arteries and nerve plexuses; in this case the cardiac plexus and thymus gland) lies in front of, but to the left of, the "hrit" centre of Consciousness (which has the 8 primary nadis originating from). Interestingly, the planet Venus, in an 8 year cycle path around the earth, forms a pattern called the "Venus Rose Mandala" which appears like a flower with 8 petals (nadis that form chakras by the electro-magnetic circulation of blood are called "petals" at the point they join the confluence of a "chakra"; a seen by clairvoyants or rishis and described in yogic physiology). Note, also, that in New Age circles, ie. Ascended Masters & Theosophical Society, Venus is considered the sister planet to the Earth and the origins of the Solar Logi, Sanat Kumara, for our 2nd Ray Solar System and, according to them, apparently related to the seeding of humanity.
The 4th CHAKRA has the image of the "Eye" and has many religions fused in it - the yin/yang of Taoism, the Buddhist wheel of Dharma, the Christian Cross, the Aquarian symbols of water on either side (for the dawning of the 7th Ray Aquarian Golden Age). The Eye of the Heart is the real Sight. ie. seeing everything as One through knowledge of the One Self.
The heart's "Eye" is upheld by the Japanese symbol of its Shinto nature religion at the 2nd & 3rd CHAKRA. (that Nature is God in manifestation through it's appearance in the intelligence of Consciousness as the 3D Matrix of Divine natural order or law and through which the untraceable cosmic computer balances energy and action through what the eastern religions call "karma"). The Shinto forms the legs of "occult" man in the overall design or, alternatively, the 2 arms of the lock and key symbolism, as explained in the earlier description of the design's meaning.
The Base 1st CHAKRA has a mask (the false ego of the personality) but is also a reversed question mark, forming the head and trunk of Ganesh (who rules gravity, the Universal Om and base chakra according to Hindu metaphysics). He is the cute, elephant God to whom Hindu's pray first to remove, obstacles, grant knowledge, discrimination and success in all ventures. Yogic physiologically, He is the lord of the first chakra and foundation of duty, discipline and discrimination for good karma.
The Gayarti mantra, printed in the reversed question mark forming Ganesh's trunk, is a prayer for the subtle intelligence to be awakened for unfavelling the mystery of the phenomena's world, mind and body to discover the Truth and Reality beyond knowing.
Within His trunk, and below the gayatri mantra, is the philosophers stone with the underworld anubis of the Eygptians, the scales of balance and justice, and the mysterious sphinx incorporating the 4 animals of the bible and astrology (connection explained below). The justice scales, is also the symbol of the astrological sign, Libra, and represents the harmony between male and female duality, solar and lunar currents and the dualities and polarities in the mind of the Universe for equilibrium of mind and a "samadhi" state of balance to be achieved in life (ie. of spirit and matter - "in the world but not of it").
This is also illustrated higher up in the design by the sun (right) and Moon (left) symbols forming a male and female face in the opposing chambers (rings) of the "heart", which along with the decending inter-locking serpents, gives the subtle impression of a loving couple in a tantric embrace! More obviously, the heart has a larger left and right closed (meditating) eye in the opposing chambers, making the heart appear as the face connecting the to body at the level of the "Eye" before becoming the legs of the Shinto.
ii) the Oval shaped border with the coiled serpent base and the 5 hooded heads above the black oval perimeter. The Oval, ellipsoid shape represents the "Lingam" stone of Hinduism which, to them, is the closest mathematical shape to represent the formless. Islam similarly, has a black stone in Mecca around which devotee worship the highest formless aspect of the "Father God".
iii) the Outer framed border made of peacock feathers with the four "living creatures" related to the four canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). These are the creatures that surround God's throne, as described in bible Rev 4:7. These are also the 4 animals that make up the sphinx of the Egypt as well as the 4 astrological animals of the fixed zodiacal cross.
Matthew = Human/Angel = face of Sphinx = Aquarius man with water urn (left top)
Mark = Lion = claws of Sphinx = Lion (right bottom)
Luke = Ox/Bull = body of sphinx = Taurus (left bottom)
John = Eagle = wings of sphinx = Scorpio (whose in its higher aspect is represented by the Eagle - right top)
The Peacock is an animal of beauty and perfection to Hindus and, esoterically, is the perfection of Yoga and man with the full unfolding of his consciousness and thousand petaled lotus at the crown of his head; much like the many eyes of a peacocks plume. Hence, it adorning the periphery of the image.